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U.S. Visitor Count Approaches Six Figures

Over 100K visitors in the past month

Over 100,000 visitors have flocked to the U.S. in the past month, a significant increase from previous months.

The surge in visitors is attributed to several factors, including the easing of travel restrictions, the attractiveness to U.S. cities, and the strength of the U.S. dollar.

As a result of the increased foot traffic, businesses in major cities are reporting a boost in sales. Hotels, restaurants, and attractions are all seeing higher revenue as visitors spend money on lodging, dining, and entertainment.

The influx of visitors is also having a positive impact on the U.S. economy as a whole. The travel industry is a major contributor to GDP, and the increased spending by visitors is helping to boost the economy.

The U.S. is expected to continue to see a high number of visitors in the coming months as travel restrictions continue to ease and the U.S. remains attractive to international travelers.
